Sunday, August 4, 2013

Red Lips

Since I am a cheap shopper I tend to be very very picky about the makeup I wear. Because I don't want to wear crap.. but I am also not going to spend $10 on a lipstick. 

I ran out of an old red that I had been using for years. This was sad for me because I knew it was time to hunt for a new one. I was happily surprised when I found this at Walmart.

It is called Kate by Rimmel London, and I LOVE it so far. It says on for a decent amount of time, doesn't smear easily, it't not sticky, and most of all it isn't expensive. I think I paid around $3 for it.
One of the most irritating things to me about any kind of "lipwear" is when it is sticky. I have very long hair (goes down to my behind) so when the wind blows, if the lipstick or lipgloss is sticky, where does the hair stick? YES! To my freaking face! which is irritating when I am trying to carry a 2 month old in a carseat, and hold a 2 year old spaz monkeys hand.

I would highly suggest this lipstick to anyone who wears stuff on their lips. I think I am going to go back and get a more skin toned color for when I am not feeling quite as.. bright. :)

Friday, August 2, 2013

Jars and More Jars

 Again with the jars/storage containers.. whateva. They seem to be pretty spendy almost everywhere.. and today I was at the Dollar Tree and I found all of these.. and because its the Dollar Tree and they are AWESOME.. these are all just a $1 each. You will see a lot of posts from me on random awesomeness I find at the dollar store. 

The Popular Jars!

Ok, so we all see all these cute storage ideas that all seem to do with glass jars on Pinterest and such. Well, I have looked for them at a ton of different places and they all seem to be pretty spendy. For example I think a jar the same size as the one in this picture is around $18 at Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Roberts, or Jo-Anns. Well… I found this large jar at Ross for $3!!! I am going to go ahead and say that Ross and TJ Maxx have GREAT home sections for finding all kinds of great stuff, I go there all the time. I am not sure how different their selection is depending on location… but hopefully you can find some good stuff as well! 

Cheap Mamma

I am a cheap and thrifty mamma. I don't like to spend a lot of money on ANYTHING! I bargain hunt for clothes, makeup, food, decorative items, EVERYTHING!

So, on this blog I will be posting about where I find all of my amazing deals :)